Monday, 28 January 2013

Who is a Postcrossing machine?

Some Postcrossers do like a Postcrossing machine. What that means? For these Postcrossers collection of postcards is more important than receiving or writing postcards. Most of them has a specific wish list and send/receive more than 100 postcards per month. They buy dozens of a cheep postcard or make postcard from a self made photo and send the same picture several times. They write on the card only a short greeting and the ID. I think this card was sent by a Postcrossing machine. It was sent without any information about the sender or the picture. If you see the sent postcards of the sender you see the same cards several times. Same card with ID FI-1652571 was sent to Portugal. The recipient wrote: "Nice Tram! If any one knows where it is exactly located feel free to add a description." Because of the card came from Helsinki I think the photo was taken in the Finish capital. I searched with the words "Helsinki" "tram" an "museum" on the web, and I found a picture about the same tram. I founded it! The photo was taken in the Tram Musem in Helsinki. I sent the link to the Portugal girl. She was thankful for it.
The stamp with Aurora borealis I have received before. It is nice.

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